Avoid These Words In Your Pitch Deck Presentations

I or Me
Pitch Deck Presentations should focus on your audience. People want to hear how something can benefit them, and if you spend an entire pitch talking about yourself, I promise you’ll lose them. With that in mind, replace the words “I” and “me” with words like “we” or “you.” People need to feel included in your message, and a slight adjustment in your language can help do that. Imagine going on a date and talking about yourself the entire time. Who in their right mind would respond to that? Like a reasonable first date, presentations are all about a balance between giving and taking. Learn to read your audience and show them your interest in their benefit.
Sorry if, Sorry for
A good presentation is not about being apologetic. Don’t show up with a “just happy to be here” attitude that communicates a lack of confidence to your audience. In other words, there is really no place for prefaces that include “sorry if” or “sorry for.” Don’t apologize for presenting or taking your time and energy for your audience’s sake. Apologizing will only make it seem as if you don’t believe you’re not worth anyone’s time. Instead, be confident and deliberate in your Pitch Deck presentation. This sort of attitude will most definitely gain a better response from your audience.
Excuse me if I seem nervous
It’s okay to be nervous. However, it may not be the best idea to let the whole room know just how nervous you are. Most people have a general fear of public speaking, so it’s totally understandable if you’re a little uneasy at first about getting up in front of a room of people to speak. But avoiding the phrase “excuse me if I seem nervous” or similar words will accomplish two very important things: 1) Your audience won’t become nervous for you, and 2) you’ll avoid making yourself sound less confident. People don’t know what’s happening inside your mind; if you look confident and don’t say you’re nervous, then people will perceive you to have it all under control.
I’m not a good public speaker
Even if you’re not the best public speaker, self-deprecating comments and announcing to the room that you’re not a good public speaker will only worsen things. Again, confidence is critical. Along with keeping your Pitch Deck presentation to the point, you also want to be sure that the information you do give is relevant; letting people know about your public speaking skills (or lack thereof) has nothing to do with the task at hand. Focus on getting through your presentation, knowing your material, and speaking passionately. You don’t want to put the room to sleep or come off as unprepared. Let people judge for themselves whether or not you’re an excellent public speaker. For your part, just focus on being a competent presenter.
That’s all I have
When your presentation is concluded, come up with something professional that lets the room know you’re done. Don’t settle for an amateur “that’s all I have” one-liner. Not only will you sound unprofessional if you take that route, but you will also rob yourself of the opportunity of leaving your audience with something more impactful and memorable. The end of your presentation is an excellent opportunity to remind the room what you’re there for and what sort of information they need to remember. The way you end a presentation should be meaningful, not lazy or poorly timed.
So, if you’re looking for a great pitch, do your research, practice your Pitch Deck presentation, speak with absolute confidence, and avoid the above pitfalls.
So, if you’re looking for a great pitch, do your research, practice your Pitch Deck presentation, speak with absolute confidence, and avoid the above pitfalls.
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Ankur K Garg
I have built brands that have earned $125MM+ in revenues and I was a pioneer in developing social media influencers in the early 2010s. Currently I am a SDC Nutrition Executive @WeMakeSupplements, Founder of #INTHELAB, Founder of YOUNGRY @StayYoungry, Zealous Content Hero, Award Winning Graphic Designer & Full Stack Web Developer, and a YouTuber.
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